The Importance of Blog SEO and Tips for Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts


Nowadays, it’s becoming increasingly popular for businesses to have their blogs on their websites. This is a great way to stay connected with your target audience and attract new customers. Personalized content on your blog is an attractive feature for those visiting your website. However, your blog might not fulfill its purpose if it reaches a limited audience. What to do then to help your blog grow? Implementing blog search engine optimization (SEO) best practices is the best way to reach more readers. This article will explain what blog SEO is, why it’s important, and provide tips on how to write an SEO-friendly blog post.

What is Blog SEO?

Blog SEO is the practice of creating and updating a blog to improve search engine rankings. This approach usually includes improving the site’s meta descriptions, architecture, page speed, and hyperlinks. Applying these improvements can boost website performance, improve the user experience, and increase blog traffic. There’s no point in writing a blog that nobody will even see. Here’s where SEO comes into play. Improving blog SEO increases a site’s search engine visibility and helps attract new audiences. Blog posts that use a variety of on-page SEO tactics can give you more opportunities to rank in search engines. This can have a tremendous impact on your business. Here are other significant benefits of creating an SEO-friendly blog from

  1. Increased Visibility: By optimizing your blog for search engines, you increase your chances of ranking higher in search results, making it more likely for users to discover your content.

  2. Targeted Traffic: SEO allows you to target specific keywords that align with your business and attract users who are actively searching for information related to your industry.

  3. User Experience: Optimizing your blog for SEO involves improving site speed, user-friendly navigation, and mobile responsiveness, making it easier for users to navigate and engage with your content.

  4. Brand Authority: By consistently creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content, you can establish your blog as a trusted source of information in your industry.

  5. Long-term Results: Unlike paid advertising, SEO efforts can provide long-lasting results as your blog continues to rank for targeted keywords and generate organic traffic.

How to Write an SEO-Friendly Blog Post

Now that we understand the importance of blog SEO, let’s dive into how to write an SEO-friendly blog post. In this section, we’ll provide tips and best practices to optimize your blog content for search engines and improve its visibility to your target audience.

Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research is a technique used by content creators and SEO experts. It helps you set up the base for your content strategy. Writing an SEO-friendly blog post means that you need to know what your target audience is looking for in search engines. This will help you target keywords in your content. SEO and Content Team Lead, Domantas G., suggests different ways to pick that will generate traffic:

  • Google Keyword Planner: Google’s Keyword Planner is a free tool that provides data on search volumes and competition for specific keywords. It can help you discover relevant keywords to target in your blog posts.

  • SEMrush: SEMrush is an all-in-one SEO tool that offers keyword research, competitive analysis, and other useful features. It can help you identify high-value keywords and track their performance.

  • Answer the Public: Answer the Public is a keyword research tool that generates questions and phrases related to your target keyword. It can provide insights into the search intent and content ideas that align with your audience’s queries.

  • Google Trends: Google Trends allows you to explore the popularity of specific keywords over time. It can help you identify trending topics and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

After compiling the target keywords, choose one focus keyword per blog post and focus your content around it.

Use Header Tags

Header tags are a crucial part of SEO. Header tags are HTML tags that tell a browser what styling it should use to display a piece of text on a webpage. Similar to headings in print content, they’re used to introduce the content below them. They provide structure and context for your article. They are important for SEO because they help Google understand your content. In turn, they help to make your blog more user-friendly. They provide context on what your page is all about and give it a hierarchy. Amelia Willson, from Search Engine Journal, explains the hierarchy as follows:

  • H1 Tag: The H1 tag is the main heading of your page. It should accurately describe the topic of your article or page.

  • H2 Tags: H2 tags are used for subheadings that divide your content into sections or main topics. They provide a clear structure for your article.

  • H3-H6 Tags: These tags are used for subsections within each main topic. They further break down the content and provide additional structure.

Wilson also provides a great example of how to use header tags effectively. She compares header tags to a table of contents for a non-fiction book and offers these easy-to-understand descriptions:

  • H1: “The Ultimate Guide to SEO for Blogs”

  • H2: “What is Blog SEO?”

  • H3: “Perform Keyword Research”

  • H4: “Use Keyword Research Tools”

  • H4: “Choose a Focus Keyword”

Finally, make sure to include keywords in your header tags. Remember that Google uses header tags to gather context for your page. But beware! Using too many keywords can be counterproductive. Don’t “spam” your header tags with too many keywords.

Internal links are links to other blog posts or different pages within your site. Link building is an essential factor in SEO. It’s handy for both your users and Google as well. This is because it helps them manage your content and understand relationships between different content on your site. When linking to other pages, use an anchor text that provides context to users about what they will find. Anchor text should be an exact or partial match of the target page’s URL. You should avoid generic anchor texts such as “click here” or “check out this link” since they can confuse users and search engines. A simple way to manage your internal links and add new links to old posts is by using WordPress SEO by Yoast. You can also use this Related Posts plugin that suggests relevant pages and posts on your site that you can link to.

Optimize Alt Tags for Images

Alt tags are the written copy that appears in place of an image on a webpage if the image fails to load on a user’s screen. These tags affect accessibility, user experience, and image traffic. This text helps screen-reading tools describe images to visually impaired readers. It also helps search engines to better crawl and rank your website. To write effective alt tags, you must focus on describing the image and being specific. Include your keywords in alt tags, but don’t overdo it. Let’s take a look at this example from HubSpot about writing alt tags for images:

Here we can see an image with no official context. In this case, you need to provide an alt tag that includes the topic of your article or the webpage you’re trying to link to. No specific place or person’s name can be given with this particular image. In this example, your article is about attending business school. Therefore, good alt text would be something like this:
alt="Business school professor pointing to a student's computer screen"

The fact that you included the keywords “business school” helps Google and users to find your article more conveniently. Nowadays, search engines are very efficient and are becoming increasingly smart. They’re able to recognize and categorize images quite well. However, you still need to help them by providing context to the image. Your images must be relevant to the overall topic of the post or page. It’s also a good idea to place the image near the most relevant text in your article. Also, instead of saving your images with a random name such as DSC00524.jpeg you need to name them appropriately. Being specific in your image description is critical. Consider the keywords users will type in the search to find that particular image.


Producing well-researched, high-quality content that directly answers users’ queries will make building your blog’s authority easier. Ensuring a navigable and user-friendly website will boost the likelihood of visitors returning and recommending your blog to others. Creating valuable, engaging content and easy to understand, so readers stay on your blog page longer. Determine your website’s niche and goals. Brainstorm and make a list of seed keywords in that niche. Use free keyword research tools to find more related keywords. Remove keywords with little to no search volume from the list. Headers denote the most important text, such as the central theme or title of a content. H2s are commonly used as subheadings. Finally, H3s may provide more structure within those subsections. Your H1 introduces your page’s topic, just as a title tells a reader what a book is about. The H2s are similar to book chapters, describing the main topics you’ll cover in sections of the article. Subsequent headers, H3s to H6s, serve as additional subheadings within each section, just as a book chapter may be split into multiple subtopics.

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A blog is an incredible way to promote your brand with audiences and rank higher in search engines. However, for a blog to reach its full potential, you must apply SEO best practices. So keep working on creating engaging content, and use our tips to help your blog stand out.

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A blog is an incredible way to promote your brand with audiences and rank higher in search engines. However, for a blog to reach its full potential, you must apply SEO best practices. So keep working on creating engaging content, and use our tips to help your blog stand out.

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