Creating a Blog in Squarespace 7.0 vs 7.1: A Comprehensive Guide

Creating a Blog in Squarespace 7.0 vs 7.1

Program your Blog Page Settings

When starting a blog in Squarespace, there are a few differences between version 7.0 and 7.1. To start a blog in Squarespace 7.0 or 7.1, you can follow these instructions:

  1. Click on PAGES in your website sidebar.
  2. Click the plus icon to add a new page in your main/primary or not linked navigation.
  3. Choose Blog.
  4. Click on the new blog page in your pages panel to open up the blog interface.

Adding a Blog Post

To add a blog post in Squarespace, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the little plus sign to add a new post.
  2. A new post will automatically appear and open up.
  3. Edit the post by clicking on the areas and typing.
  4. Add blocks to your post, such as images, videos, text, buttons, and spacers.

Editing your Blog Post Design

You can edit the design of your blog post by following these instructions:

  1. Click on the small icon in the top-right corner to open up a panel of settings.
  2. Experiment with the design settings in this panel, but remember that it will change all of your posts, not just the specific post you are editing.
  3. To edit the design settings for a specific post, click on the COG in the top right corner or access the settings from your Blog panel.

Editing your Blog Post Settings

To edit the settings for a specific blog post, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the COG in the top right corner or access the settings from your Blog panel.
  2. Adjust the settings under categories, tags, comments, visibility, thumbnail image, Post URL, excerpt, social, share, and location.

Editing the main Blog Page design

In Squarespace 7.1, editing the main Blog Page design is as easy as editing a regular page. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Click on the page like you would any other page.
  2. Add and customize the Blog Post section to create an awesome blog design.
  3. Edit the Blog page section by clicking the pencil/EDIT icon and playing with the settings.

Adding a Blog Post Designing

To add a blog post in Squarespace, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the little plus sign to add a new post.
  2. Edit the title and content of the post.
  3. Add blocks to your post, such as images, videos, audio, and more.
  4. Add categories and tags to organize your blog.
  5. Adjust the settings for the post, including visibility, thumbnail image, Post URL, excerpt, and social sharing.
  6. Save your post and preview it on your page.

Editing your main blog page

To edit your main blog page in Squarespace, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your blog page in the sidebar.
  2. Hover your mouse around the top of the page and look for the editing options.
  3. Add text or elements to your blog page, such as a welcome message or blog categories.
  4. Customize the fonts, colors, and other settings using the Design panel.

To link to your blog categories on your Squarespace site, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the page where you want to add the link.
  2. Highlight the text or select the image that you want to turn into a link.
  3. Click on the link icon in the text editor toolbar.
  4. In the link dialog box, click on the Browse button.
  5. Select the category that you want to link to from the dropdown menu.
  6. Click Insert to add the link to your page.

How to create circle text in Canva

If you’re looking to create circle text in Canva, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open Canva and create a new design or choose a template.
  2. Click on the Text tab on the left sidebar.
  3. Drag and drop a text element onto your design.
  4. Type in your desired text.
  5. Click on the text element to select it.
  6. In the top toolbar, click on the circle icon to create a circular shape.
  7. Adjust the size and position of the circle to fit your text.
  8. Customize the font, color, and other text settings as desired.
  9. Repeat these steps for additional circle text elements.

General Squarespace Blogging Tips

When using Squarespace for blogging, there are a few general tips to keep in mind:

  • Squarespace is a user-friendly platform that allows for easy blog creation and design.
  • Make sure to configure your blog settings, including URL structure, SEO description, and post display options.
  • Use tags and categories to organize your blog posts and improve user navigation.
  • Consider adding a blog excerpt for each post, even if you don’t display it on your site, as it can improve SEO.
  • Experiment with different design options and blocks to create visually appealing blog posts.
  • Take advantage of Squarespace’s integrated SEO tools to optimize your blog for search engines.

Advanced Squarespace Blogging Tips

If you’re looking to take your Squarespace blog to the next level, here are some advanced tips:

  • Customize your blog page design using the Layout Editor and Design panel.
  • Use custom CSS to further enhance the appearance and functionality of your blog.
  • Consider integrating third-party tools or plugins to add additional features to your blog.
  • Utilize Squarespace’s marketing tools, such as email campaigns and social media integration, to promote your blog.
  • Regularly monitor your blog analytics to track visitor behavior and make data-driven optimizations.

Content Tips for Creating a Successful Blog

When creating a blog, it’s important to consider the content you’ll be sharing. Here are some tips to help you create a successful blog:

  • Choose a niche or topic that you’re passionate about and knowledgeable in.
  • Research keywords and incorporate them into your blog posts to improve SEO.
  • Create high-quality, original content that provides value to your readers.
  • Use a mix of text, images, videos, and other media to engage your audience.
  • Publish consistently to keep your readers engaged and coming back for more.
  • Interact with your audience through comments, social media, and email to build a community around your blog.
  • Stay up to date with trends and news in your industry to provide relevant and timely content.

Options and SEO Settings for Blogging in Squarespace

When blogging in Squarespace, there are a few options and SEO settings that you should be familiar with:


  • Use categories and tags to organize your blog posts.
  • Enable or disable comments on your blog posts.
  • Schedule posts to be published at a specific date and time.
  • Choose whether to display the full post or an excerpt on your blog page.


  • Set a custom URL structure for your blog posts.
  • Add an SEO description for your blog.
  • Customize the social sharing image for your blog posts.
  • Add structured data to your blog posts to improve search engine visibility.
  • Configure your blog for AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to optimize for mobile search.


Creating a blog in Squarespace is a straightforward process that allows for easy customization and design. By following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing the recommended tips, you can create a successful blog that engages your audience and improves your online presence. Remember to regularly update your blog with high-quality content and stay informed about the latest blogging trends and practices. Happy blogging!

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