How to Find Niche Keywords with Ahrefs: The Ultimate Guide


Welcome to the ultimate guide on finding niche keywords with Ahrefs! In this guide, we will show you step-by-step how to discover highly targeted niche keywords that have low competition. These niche keywords can be a great opportunity to attract specific and focused traffic to your website. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to find niche keywords that can help your website rank higher in search engine results and drive more organic traffic.

Step 1: Create an Initial Keyword List

The first step in finding niche keywords is to create an initial list of keywords that are related to your industry or website. These broad terms can be anything that points to certain markets, products, or interests that you want to target. For example, if you have a website about gardening, your initial keyword list may include terms like “gardening tips,” “flower beds,” and “vegetable gardening.”

Step 2: Refine Your List

Once you have created your initial keyword list, it’s time to refine it to make it more manageable. Here are some strategies you can use to do this:

  1. Set Volume and Traffic Potential Filters: In Ahrefs, set the maximum volume and traffic potential filters to a low number, such as 1000. This will help you find keywords with a limited number of searches and ensure that they are specific topics and not just unpopular ways of looking for popular things.

  2. Use Keyword Difficulty Filter: Use the keyword difficulty filter to find keywords with low competition. This will allow you to focus on keywords that have a high potential for ranking well in search engine results.

  3. Add Modifying Words: Add modifying words such as “for,” “alternative,” or “substitute” to your seed keyword. This will help you find keywords that focus on use cases, segments, and features within your niche.

  4. Combine Filters: Feel free to combine multiple filters to find the most relevant and targeted niche keywords. For example, you may want to look for keywords with specific features and low keyword difficulty.

By following these strategies, you will be able to refine your initial keyword list and narrow down your focus to the most relevant and targeted niche keywords.

Step 3: Analyze the SERPs

Once you have a refined list of niche keywords, it’s important to analyze the search engine results pages (SERPs) to understand what searchers are specifically looking for. This will help you create content that matches the search intent and provides value to your audience. Here are three aspects to analyze:

  1. Search Volume: Keep in mind that niche keywords are rare search queries, so some of them may have more popular counterparts. Look for keywords with higher search volume that closely match your niche.

  2. Parent Topics: Use the Parent Topic column in Ahrefs to determine if a keyword is a dominating search query within a certain topic. Avoid targeting misspelled or irrelevant keywords that don’t make sense for your website.

  3. Search Intent: Analyze the top-ranking pages for your niche keywords to understand the search intent behind them. Match the search intent with your website’s content to ensure that your keyword choice aligns with what searchers are looking for.

By analyzing the SERPs, you’ll gain valuable insights into the search behavior of your audience and be able to create content that meets their specific needs and preferences.


Finding niche keywords is a crucial step in optimizing your website for search engines and driving targeted traffic. By following the strategies outlined in this guide and using Ahrefs’ powerful keyword research tools, you’ll be able to discover highly targeted niche keywords that have low competition. Remember to regularly analyze the SERPs to understand what searchers are looking for and create content that matches their intent. With the right keywords and high-quality content, you’ll be able to improve your website’s rankings and attract more organic traffic.

If you’re ready to start finding niche keywords and optimizing your website’s SEO, sign up for Ahrefs today. Happy keyword hunting!

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